What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a group of behavioural symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. According to age and setting, the behaviours associated with ADHD are often described as ‘disruptive’ but it is important to remember the positives too. Not all children have all the symptoms.
Hyperactive-impulsive children seem overly restless, fidgety, full of energy, loud and noisy; they do things repeatedly without thinking, find it hard to wait their turn in games and interrupt others in conversation. Positive strengths mean that children have good energy, they are hardworking, they persevere at tasks and are eager to try new things.

Hyperactive-impulsive-inattentive children (combination type) make up the majority of ADHD cases. Other symptoms include lack of co-ordination, organisation and social skills, learning difficulties, autism, conduct disorder, anxiety, depression and neurological problems such as tics, Tourette Syndrome and epilepsy. Positive strengths can be a combination of positive attributes for ADHD.

Inattentive children can appear overly forgetful, distracted, disorganised, unable to listen or concentrate, slow to start tasks or finish them. Positive strengths mean that children are often creative, intelligent, determined and good at problem-solving.
Resources for parents and carers
Children's Activity Books
Further resources
Have a concern?
If you are concerned about your child or would like some advice, our SENDCO is Mrs Helen Willcox.