
At Orchid Vale, we want all of our pupils to feel part of the school community and be proud of their part in that community.
Pupils who come into school smartly dressed show everyone that they are ready to learn. By making our expectations around uniform clear, we hope that this will make your decisions easier to make and will leave less ambiguity around what those expectations are.
School Uniform
Uniform with the school logo can be purchased from PMG Schoolwear or Monkhouse (See flyers at the bottom of this page).
• Navy blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan. These can be purchased with or without the school logo (not black).
• White shirt or navy polo shirt (with or without the school logo)
• Black or dark grey trousers/shorts, skirt or pinafore dress (no leggings).
• White, black, grey or navy socks or tights.
• Black shoes (leather or leather equivalent)-No boots or trainers PE and Games
• PE t-shirt in the colour of your child’s house team-This t-shirt must be with school logo or completely plain. (No football or sports branded coloured shirts.) If you are unsure of your child's house - please ask your child's class teacher or a member of office staff.
• Black shorts.
• Jogging bottoms for winter and outside lessons.
• Trainers are the most appropriate footwear for outdoor PE sessions.
• Jumpers for PE days must be plain navy blue. (A school jumper or hoodie is ideal)
• Earrings must be removed for PE days.
• Clothes of a casual type e.g. Jeans, tracksuits, leggings and football kit must not be worn to school.
• School uniform can be purchased from either PMG Schoolwear .
• Children should not wear any jewellery other than very simple stud earrings and/or watches.
- Children will be asked to remove any other jewellery or smart watches. (Please see our mobile phone policy for further information about smart watches)
- Shoes should be suitable for school -open toed, strappy shoes, heeled shoes or shoes that slip off too easily and are not suitable for wearing in school.
- Hair accessories should be simple and in school colours. Ornate or novelty hair accessories are not appropriate for school and children will be asked to remove them.
- Hair should not be cut, styled or coloured in an extreme manner
- Please ensure that all items of clothing are named.
- If, for cultural reasons, parents wish their child to wear a particular type of clothing during the school day, this is absolutely fine. Examples include a turban, headscarf, or a PE kit that includes longer length trousers. These should still be in school colours.