Community Links
Swindon Night Shelter
As part of our values curriculum we are excited to announce that Orchid Vale will be partnering with the ‘Swindon Night Shelter’ charity for the homeless. Our aim as a school community is to work together and to live out the Orchid Vale values by helping and supporting the Swindon Night Shelter and for the children to be able to see the impact of that support.
Our value this term is kindness and we have an exciting opportunity to help the Night Shelter with their winter housing project.
As a school, we wil be taking part in a sponsored activity on Monday 14th December to raise a small amount of money to help furnish the bedrooms for the guests, during their stay at the Haven centre. Each class will be choosing what they would like to do. We would also love to provide the guests with a set of toiletries to use during their stay, so children will be asked to donate these to take part.
We would love it if you could donate to this cause by following the link below:
Orchid Care Home
Year 5 wanted to carry out a random act of kindness. They decided that they would like to lead a seated exercise video for the residents of Orchid Care Home. Have a go if you fancy it!
Thank you Year 5!